Contact us for any inquiries of below models.
2x10s-2.5.1 2.5 ohm
- 2500V/1000V peak, 5, 8 10 and 15 ohm taps, one ch.
2x10s-5-2 10 ohm
- 5000V 2000A/ch peak, 5, 8, 10 and 15 ohm taps, two ch.
- 5000V 500A/ch peak; 800V 8A; 1500V 15A all dual channel; includes Option DC2 for Issue 2 Tables 4-4 and 4-5
2x10s-5-4 10 ohm
- For Table 4-4; four channels (Second Level Lightning Telco port) 100k maintenance cycle
2x10s-7-1 10 ohm
- 7000V 500A 10 ohm w.8 and 15 ohm taps for Intra-Building Telecommunications Port w overvoltage capability
2x10s-1-1 8 ohm
- 800V/100A peak, Intrabuilding Lightning, Differential
2x10s-1.5-2 8/15 ohm
- 1500V 100A/ch peak, Intrabuilding, Longitudinal
2x10s-2.5-2 2.5 ohm
- 2500V 1000A/ch peak, 5, 8, 10, and 15 ohm taps, two ch. Deduct $2600 if only 2.5 ohm taps each channel provided.
2x10s-2.5-2 5 ohm
- 2500V 500A/ch peak, 1st Level Lightning Longitudinal Surge 4
2x10s-2.5-4 5 ohm
- For Table 4-2 Surge 4; 4 channels, 100k cycle maintenance period
2x10s-5-1 2.5 ohm
- 5000V/2000A peak, 5, 8, 10 and 15 ohm taps, one ch.