White Papers on Surge Testing
IEC 60601-1 as well as many of the -2 substandards require Common Mode and Differential Mode isolation testing between SIP/SOPs and patient connections. This paper gives specific information for conducting this test with the Compliance West MegaPulse D5-PF.
White Papers on General Dielectric Testing
A general abstract on the practical differences between these tests and a discussion on the safety and usefulness of each. Specifically written with the manufactured home industry in mind, it is a very good treatise on general dielectric testing.
Comparison of AC and DC hipot waveforms during a breakdown event. Includes scope waveforms for comparison.
An interesting look at how dielectric testers work, what they detect, and differences in how testers on the market detect breakdowns. Is the ability of our testers to detect arcs through insulation a good thing for your application or not?
Manufactured Home Hipot Testing
Removal of GFCIs, flourescent lights, etc. not required with the Compliance West USA manufactured home cableset – details.
Instructions and a video illustrating the proper use of the Compliance West USA manufactured home cableset.
The black return lead and the black grounding lead of the Manufactured Home cableset are tested when Hipot Tester operation is verified with the Compliance West USA HTT-1. However, testing with an HTT-1 will not properly test the Red Leads of the Manufactured Home Cableset. We provide a simple procedure for this check.